NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Safety, Security, and Privacy of Open-Source Ecosystems (Safe-OSE)
Funding Agency:
- National Science Foundation
Vulnerabilities in an open-source product and/or its continuous development, integration and deployment infrastructure can potentially be exploited to attack any user (human, organization, and/or another product/entity) of the product. To respond to the growing threats to the safety, security, and privacy of open-source ecosystems (OSEs), NSF is launching the Safety, Security, and Privacy for Open-Source Ecosystems (Safe-OSE) program. This program solicits proposals from OSEs, including those not originally funded by NSF's Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) program, to address significant safety, security, and/or privacy vulnerabilities, both technical (e.g., vulnerabilities in code and side-channels) and socio-technical (e.g., supply chain, insider threats, and social engineering).
Although most open-source products are software-based, it is important to note that Safe-OSE applies to any type of OSE, including those based on scientific methodologies, models, and processes; manufacturing processes and process specifications; materials formulations; programming languages and formats; hardware instruction sets; system designs or specifications; and data platforms. The goal of the Safe-OSE program is to catalyze meaningful improvements in the safety, security, and privacy of the targeted OSE that the OSE does not currently have the resources to undertake. Funds from this program should be directed toward efforts to enhance the safety, security, and privacy characteristics of the open-source product and its supply chain as well as to bolster the ecosystem's capabilities for managing current and future risks, attacks, breaches, and responses.
Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization: 2
Up to two (2) preliminary proposals per lead organization are allowed. NSF will review the preliminary proposals and provide a binding "Invite" or "Do Not Invite" response for each preliminary proposal. Invited organizations will be allowed to submit a full proposal on the project described in the preliminary proposal by the full proposal submission deadline.
Institutional Internal Review: If you plan to submit a proposal for this RFP, please send a concept paper to Shawn Chester, Associate Vice Provost for Research at shawn.chester@njit.edu by October 25, 2024 for institutional internal review. The concept paper should include title, project summary, intellectual merit, broader impact, investigator team, budget summary and any specific institutional resources or cost-sharing needed. In case the number of concept papers exceeds the institutional limit requirement, the internal review will provide selection recommendations for institutional submission.
Cooperative Agreement; Each award will be for 24 months. The budget for Year 1 should be up to a maximum of $500,000 and the budget for Year 2 should be up to a maximum of $1,000,000, for a total budget of up to $1,500,000 per award.
Preliminary Proposal Due Date(s) (required) (due by 5 p.m. submitting organization's local time): January 14, 2025
Institutional Internal Review: If you plan to submit a proposal for this RFP, please send a concept paper to Shawn Chester, Associate Vice Provost for Research at shawn.chester@njit.edu by October 25, 2024 for institutional internal review. The concept paper should include title, project summary, intellectual merit, broader impact, investigator team, budget summary and any specific institutional resources or cost-sharing needed. In case the number of concept papers exceeds the institutional limit requirement, the internal review will provide selection recommendations for institutional submission.
April 22, 2025
- Nina Amla, Senior Science Advisor, CISE/OAD, telephone: (703) 292-7991, email: pose@nsf.gov
- Peter S. Atherton, Program Director, TIP/TI, telephone: (703) 292-8772, email: pose@nsf.gov
- Daniela A. Oliveira, Program Director, CISE/CNS, telephone: (703) 292-4352, email: pose@nsf.gov