Center for AI Research
The significant advances in artificial intelligence have been impacting every industry and people’s daily lives and are expected to be the driving force of emerging technologies.

The Center for AI Research aims to provide an intellectual environment and primary home for AI research initiatives at NJIT. It aims to promote cutting-edge and high-quality research activities and to cultivate faculty and student publications and patents in AI and machine learning. It will foster collaborations and interactions between professors in fundamental AI research and professors who leverage AI methods to solve domain problems and to develop synergies among research groups across different departments and colleges. It plans to train postdoctoral researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students in fundamental AI research as well as applied AI and prepare them to be a skilled and capable workforce in both academia and industry. The Center for AI Research is part of the Institute for Data Science

Quick News Discover more news here

  • 01/2024: Dr. Grace Wang will serve on the New Jersey Governor's AI Taskforce Innovation Subgroup.
  • 01/2024: Dr. Zhi Wei is elevated to the rank of IEEE Fellow. Congratulations!
  • 10/2023: Dr. Grace Wang will chair the IEEE IoT Technical Community Awards Committee.
  • 09/2023: Dr. Mengnan Du has received a grant from NSF for the project "Towards Effective Detection and Mitigation for Shortcut Learning: A Data Modeling Framework”. Congratulations!  
  • 09/2023: Dr. Grace Wang has been appointed by the New Jersey Chief Justice to serve on the New Jersey Supreme Court Committee on AI and the Courts.
  • 08/2023: Dr. Aritra Dasgupta has received a grant from NSF for the project "Responsible Design and Validation of Algorithmic Rankers ”. Congratulations! 
  • 08/2023: Dr. Mengjia Xu has received a grant from DOE for the project "Scalable, Efficient and Accelerated Causal Reasoning Operators, Graphs and Spikes for Earth and Embedded Systems”. Congratulations!
  • 08/2023: Dr. Aritra Dasgupta has received a grant from NSF for the project "Trapeze: Responsible AI-assisted Talent Acquisition for HR Specialists”. Congratulations!
  • 06/2023: Dr. Aritra Dasgupta has received a grant from DOE for the project "Interactive Visual Analytics for Explainable Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) in Grid Sensing”. Congratulations! 
  • 06/2023: Dr. Jing Li has received the DOE Early Career Award for the project "Towards Intelligent Scheduling for Adaptive Scientific Computing with Heterogeneity”. Congratulations! 
  • 06/2023: An 2019 paper published in IEEE Transactions of Vehicular Technologies, "A Deep Reinforcement Learning Network for Traffic Light Cycle Control," authored by Dr. Grace Wang's research group and collaborators, won the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 2023 Best Land Transportation Paper Award, acknowledging its impact four years later.
  • 05/2023: Dr. Grace Wang, along with Prof. Mihai Cuccuringu from the University of Oxford and Dr. Erun Kurshan from Morgan Stanley, will serve as the chairs of the Technical Program Committee for the 4th ACM Conference on AI in Finance. Please submit your exceptional research outcome to ICAIF. 
  • 05/2023: Alon Lerner an Honor’s College student supervised by Dr. Grace Wang is set to graduate in May and subsequently join Bank of America. Congratulations! 
  • 05/2023: Jingyi Gu, the ACM-Women NJIT Chapter President and Ph.D. Advisee of Dr. Grace Wang, has been honored with the Excellence in Teaching Award for outstanding performance as a Teaching Assistant. Congratulations!

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