News & Events
Congratulations to Sepideh Nikookar for winning the Joseph Leung Award for the Best CS PhD Dissertation (academic year 2023-2024)
Gerald White will be presenting a poster at North East Database Day on May 23 ( titled, "Predicted Days of Maintenance Delay (DoMD) of US Naval Vessels: Lessons Learned in Designing an Automated Data Science Pipeline using Short and Wide Obfuscated Navy Data"
Congratulations to the two recent alumni Md. Mouinul Islam and Mahsa Asadi for their accepted paper to SIGMOD 2024.
Congratulations Prof. Senjuti Basu Roy for the Outstanding Research Award for the academic year 2023 at the Ying Wu College of Computing.
Our two papers, titled, ``Cooperative Route Planning Framework for Multiple Distributed Assets in Maritime Applications'', and ''Rank Aggregation with Proportionate Fairness'', have been awarded three prestigious badges from SIGMOD 2023 Artifacts & Reproducibility Committee: "Artifacts Available", "Artifacts Evaluated", and "Results Reproduced".
Thank you SIGMOD Blog for hosting my article as part of their blog anniversary - Returning Top-K : Preference Aggregation or Sortition, or is there a Better Middle Ground?
Congratulations to my student Dong Wei, for defending his PhD thesis successfully, and winning the Joseph Leung Award for the Best CS PhD thesis of the year. Dong is in Google now!
Congratulations to BDAL member Dong Wei, for defending his PhD thesis successfully, and winning the Joseph Leung Award for the Best CS PhD thesis of the year. Dong Will be joining Google!
Congratulations to the BDAL members - 2 accepted research papers at SIGMOD 2022, one research paper at ICDE 2022, and one accepted manuscript at VLDB Journal 2022 so far
Prof. Senjuti Basu Roy (website) is recognized as one of the 100 Early-Career Engineers Selected to Participate in NAE's 2021 US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium.
SIGMOD 2021 Panel co-moderated with Sihem Amer-Yahia: Data Management to Social Science and Back in the Future of Work
Congrats to Dong Wei for his ICDE 2021 paper on
Peer Learning Through Targeted Dynamic Groups Formation
TWC'2021 (formerly WWW) paper
Congrats Sepideh Nikookar and Paras Sakharkar for their TWC'2021 (formerly WWW) paper, titled "Multi-Session Diversity to Improve User Satisfaction in Web Applications"
TTI/Vanguard virtual tour, October 2020
BDaL participates in the TTI/Vanguard virtual tour
Congratulations Dr. Esfandiari on completing Ph.D., July 2020!
Congratulations Dr. Esfandiari on completing Ph.D., wish you the very best for your future endeavours.
Shonan Meeting 2019
Human-in-the-loop Big Data and AI: Connecting Theories and Practices for a Better Future of Work
Organizer: Sihem Amer-Yahia, Senjuti Basu Roy, Lei Chen, Tova Milo, and Atsuyuki Morishima
The 3rd IEEE Workshop on
Human-in-the-loop Methods and
Human Machine Collaboration in BigData
(IEEE HMData 2019)
BDaL is one of the organizers of Shonan Meeting 2019
Organizer: Senjuti Basu Roy, Alex Quinn, Atsuyuki Morishima