Applications to the Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22) Peer Reviewed Alzheimer’s Research Program (PRARP) are being solicited by the U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA) using delegated authority provided by United States Code, Title 10, Section 4001 (10 USC 4001). The execution management agent for this program announcement is the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) at the U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command (USAMRDC). The PRARP was initiated in FY11 to address the long-term consequences of traumatic brain injury (TBI) as they pertain to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and AD-related dementias (ADRD).
The PRARP prioritizes research that will provide meaningful outcomes to support caregivers and persons with AD and ADRD, with a focus on partnership with those most impacted by these conditions. In addition, the PRARP strongly advocates for study population diversity, including but not limited to ethnic, cultural, socioeconomic, and health access factors. In addition to a focus on individual and care support, the PRARP seeks to support research focusing on the intersection of TBI-AD/ADRD, including understanding mechanisms, biomarkers, and risk factors associated with Veteran populations. The PRARP is interested in supporting research leading to treatment modalities that have near-term benefit.
Anticipated Funding Amount:
Appropriations for the PRARP from FY11 through FY21 totaled $153 million (M). The FY22 appropriation is $15M.
Letter of Intent:
Pre-Application is required. Please see below.
Preliminary Proposal Due Date(s):
Pre-Application Submission Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Eastern time (ET), June 17, 2022
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
11:59 p.m. ET, July 25, 2022
CDMRP Help Desk Phone: 301-682-5507 Email: