This letter invites current NSF recipients to submit supplemental funding requests for research visits to any identified, appropriate ERC-funded European research group. NSF particularly encourages requests from NSF funded researchers who are early in their careers or who are still actively building their careers. Further, the letter gives instructions on how to submit supplemental funding requests and other relevant policies and requirements.
ERCEA has provided a list of ERC-funded principal investigators (PIs) and research teams interested in hosting NSF funded researchers. The NSF Office of International Science and Engineering (OISE) website provides instructions on how to access this list at NSF PIs/co-PIs should communicate directly with ERC PIs to ascertain areas of mutual interest and research goals for a visit. NSF PIs/co-PIs then must discuss plans for the visit(s) with the NSF Program Director managing their award prior to submitting a supplemental funding request. If approved by NSF, the request is forwarded by NSF to ERCEA for review and confirmation with the ERC-funded project.
The European hosts will provide funding to support in-country living expenses during the visits.
NSF will provide travel funds to and from Europe. It is expected that the amount requested will not exceed $20,000, inclusive of any foreign travel expenses for qualified family members (see Conditions below). Activities are subject to availability of funds and all applicable laws, regulations, policies, and programs of the ERC and NSF.
Supplement Funding
Letter of Intent:
Please contact the program director.
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
Research visits will be funded as supplements to active NSF awards. PIs and fellowship recipients must consult with the cognizant NSF Program Director of the original award or Fellowship prior to submitting a supplemental funding request.
Requests must be received at NSF at least 3 months prior to the proposed visit, but no later than May 17, 2024, for consideration using Fiscal Year 2024 funds.
Dr. Sirin Tekinay, Office of International Science and Engineering, (703) 292-5370. Email: