Institutional Response on the Implementation of Recent Federal Executive Orders with Updates on Federally Funded Research Grants and Contracts
The Office of Electricity (OE) provides national leadership to ensure that the Nation’s
energy delivery system is secure, resilient, and reliable. OE works to develop new
technologies to enhance the infrastructure that brings electricity into our homes,
offices, and factories and to improve the federal and state electricity policies and
programs that shape electricity system planning and market operations. OE also
works to bolster the resiliency of the electric grid and assists with restoration when
major energy supply interruptions occur.
The Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER)
mission is to strengthen the security and resilience of the U.S. energy sector from
cyber, physical, and climate-based risks and disruptions. CESER works to provide a
secure, reliable, and resilient energy sector for the American people by providing
policy and risk analysis; developing and implementing new and/or improved tools
and technologies; and performing Federal level emergency response coordination.
The Nation's sustained economic prosperity, quality of life, and global
competitiveness depend on access to an abundance of secure, reliable, and
affordable energy resources. Through a mix of technology and policy solutions, DOE
is addressing the changing dynamics and uncertainties in which the future electric
system will need to operate. DOE leverages effective partnerships, solid research,
and best practices to support diverse interests in achieving economic, societal, and
environmental objectives.
The objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate
innovative designs, prototypes, and field demonstration exercises for advanced
distribution and/or power transformers (e.g., flexible, modular, scalable, hybrid, and
solid-state transformers) that can be readily utilized across a range of distribution to
transmission scale applications.
Award Ceiling: $2,500,000
04/12/2024 - 05:00 PM ET
Thomas Miante