This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) supports discrete, well-defined projects in any area of cancer research using the NIH R03 small grant mechanism.
The NIH R03 small grant mechanism supports discrete, well-defined projects that realistically can be completed in 2 years and that require limited levels of funding. Examples of the types of projects that the R03 grant mechanism include, but are not limited to, the following:
Pilot or feasibility studies;
Secondary analysis of existing data;
Small, self-contained research projects;
Development of research methodology; and
Development of new research technology.
Specific Research Objectives
All areas of cancer research relevant to the mission of the NCI are appropriate for projects submitted in response to this FOA [for a list of extramural research funding programs at the NCI, go to].
Projects submitted to this FOA may involve basic, translational, clinical, and/or population research related to cancer. Examples of relevant areas include but are not limited to studies of:
1. Cancer biology;
2. Cancer control;
3. Cancer diagnosis;
4. Cancer disparities;
5. Cancer prevention; and
6. Cancer treatment.
A budget for direct costs of up to $50,000 per year may be requested.