NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
NSF-AFRL REsearch in FLoquet Engineered QuanTum Systems (NSF-AFRL REFLEQTS)
Funding Agency:
- National Science Foundation
To advance the understanding of novel quantum systems under the influence of time-periodic driving forces, the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) have a mutual interest in exploring innovative concepts on the REsearch in FLoquet Engineered QuanTum Systems (REFLEQTS). For transformational capabilities promised by quantum science to become deployable, new approaches must be developed to create, control, and conserve fragile quantum states on demand.
This topic aligns with the National Quantum Initiative (NQI) as described in the National Science and Technology Council's strategy to extend the research opportunity of Quantum Information Science and Engineering (QISE) by broadening the interagency collaboration and increasing global competitiveness in QISE research outcome that can strengthen National Security.
This solicitation encourages research teams consisting of multiple Principal Investigators (PIs) from multiple institutions to submit proposals on transformative approaches and solutions in materials, devices, theory, and systems to realize the innovative REsearch in FLoquet Engineered QuanTum Systems (REFLEQTS). These systems can be widely applicable, from fundamental science to technology development, for quantum science and engineering including but not limited to quantum sensing, quantum devices, quantum materials, and quantum systems. Research teams may include, but are not limited to, individuals with expertise in classical and quantum materials, devices, and integrated systems in the areas of photonics, and quantum optics. Teams should emphasize combining these areas to access nonequilibrium states for performance metrics unattainable at equilibrium. The requested funds should support a multidisciplinary team of researchers to provide leadership, innovative research, financial support, and workforce training in the focused research theme of Floquet Engineered Quantum System.
Consistent with the NQI and NSTC Strategic Plan, NSF-AFRL REFLEQTS highlights three sets of goals:
1. Leading an interagency collaboration in quantum science and engineering research to encourage and facilitate a mid-scale research team approach;
2. Integrating theory, experimentation, and data-intensive/-driven approaches to explore the innovative approach for Floquet Engineering application in Quantum Systems;
3. Creating a science and engineering workforce in the area of materials, devices, and systems applicable to the quantum field that is trained for careers in academia or industry.
Standard Grant or Continuing Grant; Estimated Number of Awards: 1
March 14, 2025
An Expression of Interest (EOI) must be submitted to nsf-afrl-feqs@nsf.gov by January 24, 2025, prior to the submission of a full proposal.
Seongsin M. Kim, telephone: (703) 292-2967, email: sekim@nsf.gov
Rosa Lukaszew, telephone: (703) 292-8103, email: rlukasze@nsf.gov
Dominique M. Dagenais, telephone: (703) 292-2980, email: ddagenai@nsf.gov