This FOA encourages the submission of applications to establish the TBEL CDMC. The CDMC must have expertise and capabilities in biostatistics and statistical modeling, computational analysis, information technology and bioinformatics, data management, protocol development, and in coordinating and providing logistical support for meetings and conferences. The CDMC is expected to evolve and adapt in response to the needs of the TBEL community. It is essential that the CDMC applicants familiarize themselves with the companion FOA for the Research Centers (RFA-CA-21-054), with which the CDMC must work.
CDMC responsibilities include but are not limited to:
Provide statistical analysis for TBEL-collaborative studies.
Support the development, coordination, implementation, and conduct of TBEL-collaborative research protocols.
Support NIH Single-IRB policy to enhance and streamline the IRB process for multi-site research studies.
Deploy state-of-the-art management of data and protocol development, Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS), which provides a comprehensive array of support services including study development, documentation of Common Data Elements (CDEs), data entry checks and specimen tracking for biospecimens used in collaborative studies, data harmonization and study-specific reports.
Work closely with TBEL investigators to support data analysis and utilize visualization tools. Additional consultations and support on statistics and modeling will be made available through the NCI Division of Cancer Prevention's Biometry Research Group as directed by the Steering Committee and NCI staff.
Enhance, improve, and maintain TBEL network integration and coordination.
Provide logistical and administrative assistance in arranging TBEL-wide meetings and workshops and employ various electronic channels of communication to promote and disseminate information among TBEL investigators and the broader scientific community.
Coordinate the collection, curation, and dissemination of all data and metadata, data analysis and visualization tools, and computational models and lead the development of CDEs as needed, data and metadata standards, clinical and epidemiological data requirements, and data processing pipelines. Guide and lead a Network-wide effort to prepare and make data and resources broadly available through the Cancer Research Data Commons (e.g., dbGaP), and/or other public repositories as appropriate and as directed by the TBEL Steering Committee.
Up to $500K direct cost
Letter of Intent:
30 days prior to the application due date
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
November 2, 2021
Christos Patriotis, Ph.D.,, National Cancer Institute (NCI), Telephone: 240-276-7134; Email: