Funding opportunity webinar: Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences
The Human-Environment and Geographical Sciences program supports basic scientific research about the nature, causes and consequences of the spatial distribution of human activity and environmental processes, from the community level to the global level. The program welcomes proposals that creatively integrate scientific and critical approaches while engaging rigorous quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods in novel ways. An informational webinar will be held on Friday, April 22 from 2 – 3 p.m. Eastern. Registration is required.Note: A previous email announcement incorrectly stated that this event would start at 1 p.m. We apologize for any confusion.
Researchers, administrative staff and others in the social, behavioral and economic sciences community are encouraged to attend. Featured speakers include acting NSF Deputy Assistant Director for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Antoinette Winklerprins and NSF program directors Kendra McLauchlan, Tom Evans and Jeremy Koster.