NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Quantum Manufacturing
Funding Agency:
- National Science Foundation
Presently, there are several quantum platforms under development, and each has its own challenges. Solid-state defect, Si-based spin, topological platforms, superconducting and ion trap-based qubits and platforms all have unique challenges and material issues. Aside from research needs in the discovery and refinement of new quantum-based devices, there is a need for new processes for, and approaches to, the precision integration of new materials in production at scale.
With this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Directorate for Engineering (ENG) invites the submission of EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) proposals or standard research proposals which focus on new manufacturing innovations enabling and accelerating the manufacturing of quantum devices with emphases spanning from device fabrication to potential modes of system integration.
Research addressing scalable processes and process control of interest could address, among other topics:
- The controlled introduction in all three dimensions of specific defects in diamond and other materials, aligned with their targeted function performance;
- Deposition of defect-free dielectric and superconducting films with low loss at cryogenic temperatures;
- Sources of decoherence in spin qubits originating from process-related sources.
- New methods of large area, high-throughput characterization of quantum-based materials and devices;
- The exploration of new materials platforms and their fabrication through techniques, such as epitaxial growth enabling pathways to protect and use quantum coherence in solid-state environments;
- Key processes enabling 3D integration of quantum and traditional electronic, such as high aspect ratio vias and flip chip bump bonding processes;
- Hybrid integration of quantum devices with photonics for the distribution of quantum information;
- New approaches to packaging that integrates quantum, photonic, and electronic functions in a vacuum environment; or
- Approaches towards the automated scalable manufacturing of devices applicable to quantum computers, sensors, and systems.
Proposed research projects that are responsive to this DCL should be based on the close collaboration between experiment and theory, and/or to novel, unconventional, and high-risk/high-reward ideas or strategies to address key scientific challenges in the manufacturing of quantum-based devices. Close collaboration between manufacturing and device scientists is strongly encouraged.
Standard research proposals can be submitted to the programs listed below at any time.
Standard Grant
The RCO and proposal titles must begin with "EAGER: Quantum Manufacturing:" followed by a brief descriptive title. For consideration by this DCL opportunity, RCOs must be submitted by June 1, 2022, and invited EAGER proposals must be submitted by July 31, 2022.
- CMMI: Thomas F. Kuech, tkuech@nsf.gov
- ECCS: Rosa Lukaszew, rlukasze@nsf.gov