The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) invites public comment on its request for information (RFI) number DE-FOA-0002879 regarding the Energy Efficiency Materials Pilot, which allocates $50 million for grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations1, for the purchase of materials to improve energy efficiency in buildings that they own and operate, as required by Section 40542 of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL). The Energy Efficiency Materials Pilot will help eligible nonprofit organizations implement building upgrades to decrease utility costs, reduce carbon emissions, and free up resources to serve their missions. Through this RFI, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of State and Community Energy Programs (SCEP) seeks input regarding the implementation of Section 40542 of the BIL, which provides $50 million in grants between fiscal years 2022 – 2026 to provide energy-efficiency materials2 in buildings owned and operated by eligible nonprofit organizations.3 DOE intends to apply performance-based criteria including energy savings achieved, cost-effectiveness of the use of the energy-efficiency materials, an effective plan for evaluation, measurement, and verification of energy savings, and the financial need of the applicant. DOE also aims to minimize Recipients’ administrative burden and expand access to the Energy Efficiency Materials Pilot Program for nonprofit organizations with limited capacity and resources. The information collected from this RFI will be used by DOE for planning purposes to develop a potential FOA. The information collected will not be published.