NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
NIDDK Investigator Award to Support Mentoring of Early Career Researchers from Diverse Backgrounds (K26 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Funding Agency:
- National Institutes of Health
This K26 award will provide dedicated salary support for NIDDK-funded scientists who have a desire and commitment to provide quality mentoring to early career stage mentees (graduate students and postdoctoral researchers) from diverse backgrounds, including those from URGs in biomedical science. This opportunity would be available to institutions with established, NIDDK-funded PD/PIs conducting basic, translational, clinical, and behavioral research within the missions of NIDDK and these funded projects would serve as the basis for the PD/PI’s mentoring framework. This award is not intended to provide support for a new or existing research project. While PD/PIs from underrepresented groups are encouraged to work with their institutions to apply, eligibility for this program is not limited to individuals from such groups. Mentors are encouraged to use recruiting methods that target prospective mentee candidates from underrepresented groups, such as those groups identified in the Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity. Additionally, PD/PIs/mentors should demonstrate 1) a track record of mentoring and commitment to the training of the next generation of the biomedical research workforce, including evidence of prior mentor training focused on the unique challenges faced by URG mentees, 2) a track record of recruiting trainees from diverse backgrounds, including URGs, and 3) a sound plan to increase mentoring success by enhancing recruitment, eliminating selection bias, and meeting the needs of mentees from diverse backgrounds, including URGs.
In addition to having a track record of recruiting, mentoring, training, and supporting early career scientists conducting research in NIDDK mission areas, including those from underrepresented groups, applicants must also have a history of sustained, federally-funded, research in NIDDK mission areas, equivalent to NIH research project grants (e.g., R01s, R21s, P01s; see: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/glossary.htm#R01EquivalentGrant)). It is expected that the PD/PI’s funded research projects and programs will serve as the basis for additional, ‘hands-on’ mentoring opportunities for participating mentees.
This K26 award will also provide funds for training/courses/programs that support the PD/PI’s ongoing mentor training, including training in eliminating selection bias and in meeting the specific needs of mentees from diverse backgrounds, including those who are underrepresented in basic, translational, clinical, and behavioral research within the missions of NIDDK. In addition to supporting mentor training for the PI, this award will also support mentoring activities that directly involve mentees, including, but not limited to the following:
- Research career, professional and leadership development;
- Career progression strategies such as job search skills, networking with peers and senior investigators; and developing collaborations with other members of the scientific community;
- Mentor/mentee travel to research meetings or national mentoring events;
- Research skill-building and laboratory management;
- Education and experience in pedagogical skill development and mentoring;
- Grant writing, appropriate administrative and other support relevant to preparation and submission of research grant applications, and grant management.
In addition to mentoring that utilizes hands-on research projects as mentoring vehicles, it is highly recommended that PD/PIs provide career development-focused mentoring to additional graduate student and postdoctoral mentees at their home institutions, as well as through participation in broader mentoring networks (e.g. NIDDK Mentoring Programs and the Network of Minority Health Research Investigators (NMRI).
This K26 program is not intended to provide direct salary support for participating mentees but rather will provide salary support for the PD/PI (mentor). It is expected that there will be an increased effort and commitment to serve as a mentor to participating early career investigators, including those from URGs, to help foster inclusive research environments and a diverse pool of well-trained researchers focused on conducting basic, translational, clinical, and behavioral research within the missions of NIDDK. Funded PD/PIs under this program will serve as the mentor to at least 1 participating mentee at award onset, increasing to and maintaining at least 2 mentees throughout the duration of the award period, though the PD/PI effort for mentoring should be commensurate with the number of mentees and depth and degree of mentoring activities proposed. It is also expected that a NIDDK K26 supported investigator would establish and assume leadership roles at their institutions concerning mentoring efforts and programs focused on early career investigators, including those from underrepresented groups.
K26 mentees may have and are expected to pursue NIH grant funding and may currently hold or participate in training grants, fellowship awards, career development awards (i.e. T/F/K awards), or small/pilot grants from NIH, other Federal agencies, or private foundations. In addition, the mentees will be strongly encouraged to become members of NIDDK’s Network for Minority Health Research Investigators and attend the annual meetings:https://www.niddk.nih.gov/research-funding/research-programs/diversity-programs/network-minority-health-research-investigators-nmri
Accordingly, activities and outcomes from this K26 award are expected to add to and intersect with other NIH programs and efforts that support researchers from diverse backgrounds, including those from URGs, such as the Maximizing Opportunities for Scientific and Academic Independent Careers (MOSAIC) K99/R00/UE5, the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) U01/U24, UNITE, or other similar programs designed to enhance networking and professional development of early-career researchers from diverse backgrounds, including those from URGs.
Award budgets are composed of salary and other program-related expenses.
February 28, 2023
David Saslowsky, Ph.D., National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), Telephone: 301-594-8876, Email: David.Saslowsky@nih.gov