The objective of IFE-STAR is to provide an IFE framework that leverages expertise and capabilities across national laboratories, academia, and industry to advance foundational IFE S&T using integrated and self-consistent solutions as outlined in the BRN report, “Different IFE approaches impose a wide range of nontrivial requirements on the target physics solutions, and there are many complex cross-dependencies between individual subsystems. It is thus of prime importance from the earliest phase of this program to cultivate a set of integrated plant models and quantitative point-design parameters alongside the development of individual subsystem technologies, ensuring that these models appropriately inform decision makers with regards to the tradeoffs between specific solutions.” Therefore, an IFE Hub should address the following essential components: 1. Target physics: IFE target designs capable of producing high gains are required for a potential IFE demonstrator or fusion pilot plant (FPP). A Hub may focus on one confinement scheme of interest or address multiple schemes. An example of a PRO of interest: Identify the underlying physics limiting the convergence/areal density required for high gains. 2. Driver Technologies: High-efficiency drivers with the repetition rate required for a potential IFE demonstrator or FPP. Also, of interest are scalability, modularity, survivability, compactness, and cost reduction. Example of PROs of interest: (1) Perform IFE driver system-level architecture conceptual design studies and (2) Reduce the cost of diode pumps in DPSSL technologies. 3. Target Manufacturing and Engagement: Ignition-quality and high-gain targets that can be mass produced at acceptable cost and injected at the required repetition rate in a potential IFE demonstrator or FPP. Examples of PROs of interest: (1) Demonstrate highvolume techniques for spherical capsule or wetted foam capsule fabrication and (2) Demonstrate accurate engagement on-the-fly of IFE targets by a driver beam. 4. Experimental Validation: Conduct experiments to develop/validate high-gain target designs on large-scale facilities.