TeraMetrix T-Ray® 5000 |
Other Instrumentation |
This device was funded by the Army Research Office and the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP). The T-Ray® 5000 allows state of the art terahertz research to be performed quickly and easily. The modular construction and patented fiber-coupling of the T-Ray® 5000 allow components to be rearranged to perform a large number of experiments. Every TeraMetrix instrumentation configuration consists of a T-Ray 5000 TCU controlling one or more terahertz sensor or scanner accessories. The T-Ray 5000 intelligent TCU provides the laser drive and electrical connection to the fiber-coupled THz modules; provides a rapid optical delay scanner to acquire the THz waveform; provides optional digital and encoder i/o to accessories; digitizes THz waveforms; performs numerical analyses, and reports measurement results to the user over Ethernet. |
The THzSPICe lab will shortly be acquiring a video rate Terahertz camera operating at 300 GHz. The lab also has a homebuilt THz photomixing system and a 625 GHz THz wireless communication system. For THz communication measurements, the lab also has various chambers to emulate rain, dust, and fog. THe picture above shows our original T-Ray 2000 system. With this device was used for much of our earlier terahertz research. It is currently being used to train undergraduate students on terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and imaging. |
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