Jarin Tusnim successfully defended her thesis on December 10, 2024 and obtained her doctoral degree!
The lab has published four new papers in 2024! Check out the papers in the Publication tab! Congrats Jarin and Sydnee!
December, 2023
Three papers were published in 2023! Check out the papers in the Publication tab! Congrats Natalie!
January, 2021
Jarin Tusnim joins the TIMM lab as a PhD student from Bangladesh. Welcome!
Sydnee Sicherer recieves the NJIT Provost Doctoral Award to complete her PhD at NJIT. She will start this award in the Fall.
October, 2020
Congratulations to Shaikh Hassan and Karthik Budharaju for receiving Fall 2020 URI Seed Grants from NJIT!
Dr. Grasman gave a seminar at Temple University Department of Bioengineering
July, 2020
First paper from the lab has been ACCEPTED! Check it out on the Publications tab! Congratulations again to Sydnee and Rashmi!
June, 2020
Natalie Kozan joins the TIMM lab as a PhD student and Sydnee Sicherer joins as a MS student. Welcome to you both!
First paper from the lab has been submitted! An invited review on the state of the field for animal models for volumetric muscle loss. Great work, Sydnee and Rashmi!
January, 2020
New year, and lab equipment has finally started to arrive! The TIMM lab will soon be fully operational!
August, 2019
Dr. Grasman joins the Biomedical Engineering Department at NJIT, and establishes the Tissue Engineering and Muscle Mimetic Laboratory.