EDA’s Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship is committed to furthering technology-based economic development initiatives that accelerate high quality job growth, create more economic opportunities, and support the future of the next generation of industry leading companies. To advance these goals, EDA awards grants through the Build to Scale Program for activities designed to develop and support regional innovation initiatives. EDA thereby advances the growth of connected, innovation-centric economies that increase job growth, enable the workforce of tomorrow, enhance global competitiveness, and foster global competitiveness through technology commercialization and entrepreneurship as described in Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (hereafter “Section 27”).
The Build to Scale Program invites organizations who are aiding companies in developing the next generation of technologies to apply for funding. These organizations may be operating initiatives to unlock investment capital across a region or sector, operating programs to accelerate company growth, empowering the next generation of entrepreneurs, and/or enabling technology commercialization.
Under the Build to Scale Program, EDA is soliciting applications for two separate competitions:
(1) the Venture Challenge,
(2) the Capital Challenge
Applicants must provide a matching share from non-Federal sources of at least 50 percent of the total project cost; i.e., applicants must match each Federal dollar requested with at least one dollar of local match.
Up to $2,000,000
Anticipated Funding Amount:
Letter of Intent:
Please contact the program director.
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
The application deadline is 11:59 P.M. EASTERN TIME ON JUNE 13, 2022.
For questions concerning this NOFO or for more information about EDA programs, you may contact your respective EDA Economic Development Representative (EDR). Up to date EDR contact information is available at https://eda.gov/contact/; please click on the name of the Regional Office that serves your state. If you are unable to connect with your designated EDR, contact the Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship via email (preferred) at oie@eda.gov or via phone at (202) 482-8001.