NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
2023 STEM Talent Challenge
Funding Agency:
- Department of Commerce/EDA
EDA’s Office of Innovation & Entrepreneurship is seeking applications from eligible applicants to create and implement innovative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) work-based learning models (such as Registered Apprenticeships) that complement their respective region’s innovation economy. The STEM Talent Challenge seeks to develop or expand regional workforce capacity to support high-growth, high-wage entrepreneurial ventures, industries of the future (which usually includes industries that leverage emerging technologies), and other innovation—driven businesses that have a high likelihood of accelerating economic competitiveness and job creation in their respective regions and in the United States.
The STEM Talent Challenge aims to build STEM talent training systems to strengthen regional innovation economies. This competition seeks applications from eligible applicants that are creating and implementing STEM talent development strategies that complement their region’s innovation economy, particularly as such strategies relate to critical, emerging technologies and transformative industries such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, semiconductor fabrication, advanced manufacturing and robotics, space exploration and commerce, broadband expansion, bioscience, quantum information science, climate technologies, the built environment, and aqua- and agricultural technologies. The STEM Talent Challenge is designed to help communities with implementing programs that align with the assessed needs of the region and its innovative businesses. Projects should implement or scale STEM competency-based, work-and-learn education and training models that are directly connected with the needs of employers in a regional economy. These needs should be evaluated, through a formal or informal needs assessment, meant to determine the types of skills needed by the drivers of regional innovation, including innovative businesses that employ STEM talent. Projects should be responsive to these assessed needs and should clearly indicate how workers will be prepared for employment. Training should prioritize STEM skills tied to the use, production, and deployment of critical, emerging technologies and the needs of transformative industries and should include an on-the-job component. Training models are not tied to existing industry definitions and can include any combination of work-based and classroom learning. EDA encourages experimentation with training models that aim to increase placements into good jobs—especially experimentation that builds evidence for models that not only aim for but also result in job placements.
EDA plans to conduct an informational webinar for this NOFO and expects to make available scheduling information and a link to a recording at https://www.eda.gov/funding/programs/stem-challenge.
Up to $500,000
June 12, 2023
Any questions should be directed to oie@eda.gov