This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites qualified institutions of higher education and research organizations to seek funding to modernize and improve existing shared-use research facilities (e.g., core laboratory space or animal facilities), or to construct new biomedical research space and furnish it with necessary casework or other fixed equipment (subject to requirements described below under Funding Restrictions). The objective of this FOA is to support the development of modern facilities that will enable and enhance the conduct of cutting-edge biomedical research. Any facility supported by this FOA must serve a broad research community, locally at the applicant institution or regionally.
NIH recognizes that modern physical infrastructure is necessary for the conduct of cutting-edge research. As science progresses and new technologies become available, dedicated space is required to house specialized equipment and to carry out novel experimental protocols. Projects will vary and depend on the present institutional infrastructure and long-term institutional strategic plans. Focusing on the advancement of science through the modernization of physical space will be a common and integral feature of all proposed projects. When completed, construction/modernization projects will have a significant institution-wide impact, bringing the research capacities and capabilities to a new level. An institution may request funds to modernize a core facility to create an environment required for research-driven specialized technological services. Likewise, funds may be requested to consolidate space for an institution-wide core which would provide streamlined workflows for contemporary multi-disciplinary investigations. Modernizing laboratory space used on a shared basis to meet the growing needs consistent with an institutional strategic vision for biomedical research is another example of a suitable request. A successful construction/modernization project will serve research teams and a broad range of research efforts. Laboratory space dedicated to an individual PI and their immediate laboratory is not supported under this FOA.
Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The maximum award budget is $8,000,000. Applications with a budget less than $3,000,000 will not be considered. Since the scope of different projects will vary it is anticipated that the size of the awards will vary.
Letter of Intent:
February 15, 2022
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
March 15, 2022
Karen Duca, PhD, Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP), Telephone: 301-435-4511, Email: