NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Funding Agency:
- National Institutes of Health
This Notice of Funding Opportunity Announcement (NOFO) invites eligible institutions of higher education and research organizations to seek funding to modernize and improve existing shared-use research facilities (e.g., core laboratories, animal research or breeding facilities, or other collaborative research spaces), or to construct new biomedical research space that will be furnished with essential construction infrastructure and eligible integrated equipment (subject to the requirements described below under Funding Restrictions), or other necessary casework. The objective of this NOFO is to support the development of modern facilities that will enable and enhance the conduct of high impact, cutting-edge biomedical research with national or regional significance. Thus, any facility supported by this NOFO must serve a broad research community at local (within the applicant’s own institution), regional (beyond the applicant’s own institution), or national level.
NIH recognizes that modern physical infrastructure is necessary for the conduct of advanced, innovative research. As science progresses and new technologies become available, dedicated space is required to house specialized equipment and to carry out novel experimental protocols. Both Institutions of Emerging Excellence (IEE, as defined in 42 USC 283k(c)(2)) and non-IEE institutions as well as highly resourced and under resourced institutions, such as NIH R15 Research Enhancement Award eligible institutions, are encouraged to apply. Projects are expected to be tailored to the current institutional infrastructure and long-term institutional strategic plans. Focusing on the advancement of science through the modernization of physical space will be an essential and integral feature of all proposed projects. Upon completion, construction/modernization projects will have a significant impact by enabling innovative and new research opportunities and significantly enhancing research capacities and capabilities. Institutions may request funds to modernize a core facility to create an environment required and specialized research-driven technological services. Likewise, funds may be requested to consolidate space for an institution-wide core which would provide streamlined workflows for contemporary multi-disciplinary investigations. Modernizing shared laboratory space to meet the evolving needs aligned with an institution's strategic vision for biomedical research is such an appropriate request. A successful construction/modernization project will serve diverse research teams and a broad range of research efforts. However, laboratory space exclusively dedicated to individual Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PDs/PIs), or single research groups, is not supported under this NOFO.
Various factors are typically considered when developing or modernizing research infrastructure. For applications submitted to this NOFO, defined research needs will drive the requests for modern engineering solutions. As science progresses and new technologies become available, required dedicated space must comply with relevant technical specifications to provide a proper and well-controlled environment, to enable novel experimental approaches, and to house specialized equipment, breeding facilities, or animal models with a wide range of requirements such as allowing species-specific behaviors or having dedicated quarantine space. It is encouraged that these new spaces adhere to the highest possible standards of green engineering designs and operations.
All construction design must conform to the latest edition of the NIH Design Requirements Manual (DRM) and its referenced policies, codes, standards, and technical criteria. In situations that animal facilities are proposed, the proposed animal facilities must be compliant with the Required Codes and Standards as specified in Section 1.2.1, including the Public Health Service (PHS) Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Policy) and Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (Guide).
Modern physical infrastructure necessitates the implementation of advanced engineering designs. Some protocols may only be conducted in designated clean rooms, such as barrier facilities for pathogen-free research or space for synthesis of compounds that meets standards for studies involving human participants. Certain equipment and/or research protocols require specially shielded rooms or rigorous control of environmental variables such as temperature or humidity. The shared space must also be adequately maintained to serve its desired function over many years. The formal structure of an institutional core typically provides effective oversight to ensure that the required engineering standards of the space are met and maintained over time. Additionally, such centralized facilities are organized to provide rigorous scientific support for the conduct of research.
Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. The maximum award budget from Federal funds is $8,000,000. Applications with a budget less than $2,000,000 will not be considered.
January 27, 2025
Yong Chen, PhD
Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP)
Telephone: 301-594-1187
Email: oripconstruction@od.nih.gov