NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Collaboration Opportunity Announcement (COA) for Parties Interested in Partnering with the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) under FY 24 Energy and Emissions Intensive Industry FOA
Funding Agency:
- Department of Energy
The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is a part of the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) national laboratory system and is owned and operated by the DOE. NETL
supports the DOE mission to advance the energy security of the United States. NETL is
interested in submitting an application to the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and
Renewable Energy (EERE) FY24 Energy and Emissions Intensive Industries FOA. This FOA
was issued by the Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO) and is focused on
subsector-specific decarbonization approaches for the highest emitting and most challenging
to address industrial subsectors.
The Research and Innovation Center (RIC) at NETL nurtures and exercises core technical
competencies that support NETL’s efforts in energy technology discovery, development, and
deployment. NETL’s technical research and development areas, include:
• Computational Engineering
• Energy Conversion Engineering
• Geological and Environmental Systems
• Materials and Manufacturing Engineering
• Systems Analysis & Engineering
NETL’s portfolio of technology available for commercialization can be found at the following
NETL is seeking partners to collaborate on a proposal for the development of alternative iron
making technologies for the upcoming IEDO EERE FOA in Topic Area 2 (Decarbonizing
Iron and Steel) under Area of Interest 1 (Alternative Iron Making). NETL is making this
announcement to: (1) locate a primary partner to provide a sodium-based iron ore reduction
technology; and (2) identify an alkali metal consultant to provide expertise on methods and
For this application, NETL is looking to partner with one primary research partner and one
alkali metal consultant for a project duration of 24 months and an anticipated start date of
January 2025.
Partner 1: Technology Partner- This primary technology partner will provide a sodium-based
iron ore reduction technology to NETL. The technology should have a Technology Readiness
Level of 3, and the project will last 30 months. Cost sharing is mandatory, and the technology
partner is required to provide up to $1,000,000.00 in cost share funds. These funds will
contribute to NETL’s modification of an existing experimental facility and NETL conducting
experiments to determine the kinetic rates for reduction of the iron oxide and regeneration of
the sodium reductant as well as the development and testing of a semi-continuous process. In
the case of NETL, an outside participant must provide the matching funds via a Cooperative
Research and Development Agreement (CRADA).
Partner 2: Alkali Metal Consultant-This consultant will provide expertise on methods and
safety for the sodium-based iron ore reduction technology. The project will last 30 months.
The Alkali Metal Consultant will receive funds not to exceed $300,000. The Alkali Metal
Consultant will be participating as a vendor on the project.
It is anticipated both opportunities will be available in FY24. NETL invites private sector
companies to collaborate with NETL on submitting applications in the development of
alternative iron making technologies.
Responses to this Opportunity Notice are due no later than 11:59 PM ET on June 13, 2024. Responses are to be submitted electronically in Adobe Acrobat PDF to the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) at the following e-mail address: RIC-STRATEGIC-PARTNERS-May 2024@netl.doe.gov. DOE will treat all responses marked as confidential business sensitive information accordingly.
For questions regarding this Collaboration Opportunity Announcement, please to contact NETL at RIC-STRATEGIC-PARTNERS-May 2024@NETL.DOE.GOV.