Translational Research Projects
Research Projects
NSF ART NJIT Cooperative Agreement - 2024
This project supports acceleration of translation research and innovation that will promote the advancement of scientific progress along with prosperity and welfare of the nation through the enhancement of translational research.
NJIT Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (RITE) Ecosystem
TITA Seed Grand Program collaboration with the NSF ART program
Technology Innovation Translation Acceleration (TITA)
The NJIT Technology Innovation Translation and Acceleration (TITA) Seed Grant program will enable faculty and students to successfully accelerate the translation of their innovation to enterprise development and business incubation. The TITA seed grant program will foster entrepreneurial pathways from research and innovation to business and value creation with the acquisition of intellectual property, market validation, and engagement of stakeholders towards commercialization.
TITA Seed Grant Awards
NJIT Technology Innovation Translation and Acceleration (TITA) seed grants are funded in three phases of $25,000 each with a total potential funding of up to $75,000 as following:
Phase-1 (Up to $25,000): Technology Innovation Translation Research and Proof of Validation: The Phase-1 proposal must incorporate collaborative research and partnership with at least one external stakeholder from industry, academia, community or local government organizations, federal labs, or professional user groups (such as physicians in hospital or private practice for medical devices). The objectives of the Phase-1 proposal must include market research for unmet need(s), developing prototype devices/technology, translational research for application validation, and assessment of all risks associated with bringing the application to market, especially with respect to competition and future growth.
Phase-2 (Up to $25,000): Technology Innovation Acceleration to Entrepreneurship: The Phase-2 funding will focus on the development of pre-commercial prototypes of devices or technology, scalable validation, and business plans and technology transfer to an existing company or forming a new start-up company establishing market channels. This phase, often called the early incubation stage, will include advanced market validation studies (such as early clinical trials for validation of potential medical devices). The Phase-2 goals must also include development of collaborative partnership-based business models and strategies to attract interest from external entrepreneurs, investors or a commercial entity for licensing and commercialization.
Phase-3 (Up to $25,000): Advanced Technology Innovation Acceleration to Commercialization: The collaborative partnership-based Phase-3 proposal will focus on developing commercialization plans with advanced commercialization-ready technology or product(s) and additional regulatory, business, marketing, and risk management. This phase will also include larger scalable technology validation, market trials (such as early clinical trials for medical devices) and user-acceptance studies towards submission of investment proposal and grants to secure future funding for commercialization from the NJIT Investment Fund, an angel investment fund, NSF TIP or similar grant program.
TITA-2024 Seed Projects Announcement
TITA-2023 Seed Projects Announcement
Collaborative Early Research Translation (CERT) Seed Grants