uploads/2022/02/usdre_strategic_vision_critical_tech_areas.pdf. The critical
technology priorities rely on innovation and workforce talent. The critical technology
areas are:
a. Biotechnology
b. Quantum Science
c. Future Generation Wireless Technology (Future G)
d. Advanced Materials
e. Trusted Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy
f. Integrated Network Systems-of-Systems
g. Microelectronics
h. Space Technology
i. Renewable Energy Generation and Storage
j. Advanced Computing and Software
k. Human-Machine Interfaces
l. Directed Energy
m. Hypersonics
n. Integrated Sensing and Cyber
o. Other Defense priorities as defined in the 2022 National Defense Strategy
Additional information and questions about the critical technology areas should be
directed to Agency Contacts identified in Section II.O. of this FOA.Other research
areas that are not aligned with the (OUSD(R&E)/ASD(S&T) critical technology
priorities listed in I.B.7 will be considered. The DEVCOM ARL BAA listed above
under I.B.6 provides other research areas of interest to the DoD.
Award Ceiling: $100,000,000; Awards under this FOA may be a grant or a cooperative agreement. The type of award will depend on the scope of project. Applicants may propose scholarships or fellowships that will be issued through the authority of the grant or cooperative agreement. The ACC-APG RTP Division reserves the right to select the type of award most appropriate for the effort proposed. Applicants
Letter of Intent:
White Paper Required. Please contact the program director
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
Open Continuously until 31 July 2029
For questions of a technical or programmatic nature, contact: Evelyn Kent Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) Evelyn.W.Kent.civ@mail.mil Tamika Carey OUSD(R&E) HBCU/MI Program Analyst Tamika.A.Carey.ctr@mail.mil Tara Smith OUSD(R&E) HBCU/MI Program Analyst Tara.L.Smith38.ctr@mail.mil