This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), issued in collaboration with DOE’s Office of Nuclear Energy and DOE’s Geothermal Technology Office, aims to better understand system costs, performance, as well as business case options for existing DAC technologies co-located with low-carbon thermal energy sources or industrial facilities. This enhanced understanding will allow DOE-FECM to better focus its DAC R&D program to accelerate development of this climate-critical technology and help the U.S. achieve greenhouse gas reduction targets noted in Executive Order (E.O.) 14008: an emissions-free power sector by 2035, and a net-zero carbon economy by 2050.
The objective of this FOA is to execute and complete front-end engineering design (FEED) studies of advanced DAC systems capable of removing a minimum of 5,000 tonne/yr. net CO2 from air based on a life cycle analysis (LCA), suitable for long duration carbon storage (i.e., geological storage or subsurface mineralization) or CO2 conversion/utilization (e.g., including, but not limited to, synthetic aggregates production, concrete production, and low carbon synthetic fuels and chemicals production). CO2 pressure, CO2 quality and quantity at the DAC plant “gate” should meet the requirements of the intended transport and dedicated long duration carbon storage or CO2 conversion/utilization technology. DAC systems should be co-located with existing, operational geothermal resources, nuclear plant facilities or industrial plants to access thermal sources, such as waste heat and/or steam slip streams. By developing innovative carbon dioxide removal technologies and by supporting their commercial deployment, this FOA will help the U.S. to achieve a carbon pollutionfree power sector by 2035 and a net-zero carbon pollution economy by 2050. There are three areas of interest (AOIs):
AOI-1: Front-End Engineering Design Studies for Direct Air Capture Systems at Existing (retrofit) Domestic Nuclear Power Plants
AOI-2: Front-End Engineering Design Studies for Direct Air Capture Systems at Existing (retrofit) Domestic Geothermal Resources
AOI-3: Front-End Engineering Design Studies for Direct Air Capture Systems Using Waste Heat at Existing (retrofit) Domestic Industrial Plants Coupled with CO2 Conversion Producing Low Carbon Intensity Products