The FY22 PRORP challenges the scientific community to address the most significant gaps in care for the leading burden of injury and for facilitating return to duty. The program intends to support high-impact and clinically relevant research to advance the optimal treatment and rehabilitation from musculoskeletal injuries (excluding spinal cord injuries) sustained during combat, combat-related activities, and non-battle injuries that impact unit readiness and the ability to return to duty/work. It is expected that research findings would also benefit the general population. Applications involving multidisciplinary collaborations among academia, industry, the military Services, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and/or other federal agencies are highly encouraged.
Other Companion Funding Opportunities:
DoD Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic, Clinical Translational Research Award: W81XWH-22-PRORP-CTRA
FY22 PRORP Applied Research Award will not exceed $725,000.
Anticipated Funding Amount:
The FY22 appropriation is $30M.
Letter of Intent:
Pre-Application is required.
Preliminary Proposal Due Date(s):
Pre-Application Submission Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Eastern time (ET), June 16, 2022
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
11:59 p.m. ET, September 13, 2022
CDMRP Help Desk, Phone: 301-682-5507, Email: