The field of quantum computing has witnessed substantial progress in recent years, with the development of next-generation quantum processors in the 50- to 100-qubit range and beyond. Realizing the promise of such processors requires significant capacity-building to prepare the next generation of quantum researchers and users. In light of the quantum-computing developments in the private sector as well as the opportunity for further innovation in the academic setting, the National Science Foundation, in conjunction with Amazon Web Services (AWS), IBM, and Microsoft, is coordinating the availability of cloud-based access to quantum-computing platforms in order to advance research and build capacity in the academic setting. More information about the platforms is available at the following company websites.
With this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL), NSF's Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), the Directorate for Engineering (ENG), and the Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) notify the research community of their intention to support supplemental funding requests for currently active NSF awards to enable use of these quantum-computing platforms. NSF's supplemental funding will include support for graduate students as well as fees to work on these hardware and software quantum platforms.
Letter of Intent:
Not required
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
Please contact the program director
Almadena Chtchelkanova, Program Director, CISE/CCF, telephone: (703)-292-7498, email:
Richard Dawes, Program Director, MPS/CHE, telephone: (703)-292-7486, email:
Stacey Levine, Program Director, MPS/DMS, telephone: (703)-292-2948, email: