The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is issuing this announcement for various research and development topic areas. The ERDC consists of the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory (CHL), the Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory (GSL), the Environmental Laboratory (EL) and the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) in Vicksburg, Mississippi, the Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) in Hanover, New Hampshire, the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in Champaign, Illinois, and the Geospatial Research Laboratory (GRL) in Alexandria, Virginia. The ERDC is responsible for conducting research in the broad fields of hydraulics, dredging, coastal engineering, instrumentation, oceanography, remote sensing, geotechnical engineering, earthquake engineering, soil effects, vehicle mobility, self-contained munitions, military engineering, geophysics, pavements, protective structures, aquatic plants, water quality, dredged material, treatment of hazardous waste, wetlands, physical/mechanical/ chemical properties of snow and other frozen precipitation, infrastructure and environmental issues for installations, computer science, telecommunications management, energy, facilities maintenance, materials and structures, engineering processes, environmental processes, land and heritage conservation, and ecological processes.
This announcement is continuously open; pre-proposals may be submitted and will be reviewed at any time throughout the year. The availability of funds may limit the ability of the U.S. Government to make awards in specific areas, nevertheless pre-proposals are sought under this announcement for all research areas identified.
For additional details on the research topic areas and how to submit pre-proposals, please go to: