The Scientific Cooperation Research Program (SCRP) supports joint research, extension, and education projects – lasting up to two years – between U.S. researchers and researchers from selected emerging market economies. The projects address issues including but not limited to agricultural trade and market access, animal and plant health, biotechnology, food safety and security, and sustainable natural resource management. Since 1980, the program has supported hundreds of projects, enhancing the technical skills of agricultural professionals, and helping beneficiary countries to be more competitive consumers of U.S. agricultural products. In 2022, the SCRP will support collaborations between U.S. researchers and their foreign counterparts from selected emerging market economies (as defined at 7 USC § 5623(d)(1), generally including countries listed in the low and middle income groups by the World Bank) who are responding to climate pressures.
The objectives of submitted proposals may include research and/or technologies that build soil health, sequester carbon, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance productivity, and other initiatives that help to mitigate the impacts of climate change. Ideally, these collaborations should aim to develop practical applied climate-smart outcomes for agricultural communities.
This program has historically supported up to 10 collaborative research programs annually, up to $50,000 each