The objectives of the program are to: • Support unclassified basic scientific and engineering research that could be the foundation for future revolutionary new capabilities for DoD. • Educate and train student and post-doctoral researchers for the defense workforce. • Foster long-term relationships between university researchers and the DoD. • Familiarize university researchers and their students with DoD’s current and projected future challenges. • Increase the number of talented technical experts that DoD can call upon. This FOA is for single investigator grant proposals for basic research. All awardees will receive a research grant and the title of VBFF Fellow. VBFF Fellows and their students are provided with opportunities that are designed to enhance their understanding of DoD’s critical research needs and interact with DoD senior Science and Technology (S&T) program leaders. Fellows and their students are expected to attend VBFF activities scheduled throughout the year. These activities may include an orientation meeting, site visits to DoD labs, technical workshops, and an annual meeting to report the progress of VBFF–sponsored research. VBFF Fellows may also be encouraged to serve as members of DoD advisory boards, panels, or groups. For a list of current and past VBFF or NSSEFF Fellows, refer to:
Grants up to $ 3 million.
Anticipated Funding Amount:
$24 million to $30 million.
Letter of Intent:
Please see below.
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
White Paper Inquiries and Questions 01 October 2021 White Papers must be received no later than 15 October 2021 (Friday) at 11:59 PM Eastern Time Full Proposal Inquiries and Questions 21 January 2022 Full Proposals must be received no later than 04 February 2022 (Friday) at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
Reginald G. Williams, PhD Point of Contact Occupation Title: Program Officer Division Title: Warfighter Performance Division Code: 34 Address: 875 North Randolph Street Email Address