This publication constitutes a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) as contemplated in the Department of Defense Grants and Agreements regulations (DoDGARS) 32 CFR 22.315(a). The ONR reserves the right to fund all, some, or none of the proposals received under this FOA. ONR provides no funding for direct reimbursement of proposal development costs. Technical and budget proposals (or any other material) submitted in response to this FOA will not be returned. It is the policy of ONR to treat all white papers and proposals submitted under this FOA as sensitive competitive information and to disclose their contents only for the purposes of evaluation.
This FOA is for STEM education programs and activities, which is formal or informal education that is primarily focused on physical and natural sciences, technology, engineering, social sciences, and mathematics disciplines, topics, or issues (including environmental science education or stewardship).
STEM education programs and activities that could be supported by this FOA include one or more of the following as the primary objective:
• Develop learners’ knowledge, skill, or interest in STEM.
• Attract students to pursue certifications, licenses, or degrees (two-year degrees through post-doctoral degrees) or careers in STEM fields.
• Provide growth and research opportunities for post-secondary, college and graduate students in STEM fields, such as working with researchers or conducting research that is primarily intended to further education.
• Improve mentor/educator (K-12 pre-service or in-service, post-secondary, and informal) quality in STEM areas.
• Improve or expand the capacity of institutions to promote or foster STEM fields.
This FOA will not consider applications for research, with the exception of those whose primary purpose is intended to further education (as described in third bullet above) and that are not expected to generate intellectual property. Efforts for research, including those supporting STEM, should be submitted under the current fiscal year Long Range BAA.
Award Ceiling: $600,000
Letter of Intent:
White Paper Required - White Paper Inquiries and Questions: 05 April 2024 (Friday)
Preliminary Proposal Due Date(s):
White Papers must be received no later than: 12 April 2024 (Friday) at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
30 August 2024 (Friday) at 5:00 PM Eastern Time
Questions of a technical nature should be submitted to:
Point of Contact Name: Dr. Michael Simpson
Point of Contact Occupation Title: Director of Education and Workforce
Division Title: Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences (MCIS)
Division Code: 311
Address: 875 N. Randolph Street, Arlington, VA 22203-1995