The Geophysics Program supports basic research in the physics of the solid earth to explore its composition, structure, and processes from the Earth's surface to its deepest interior. The program's disciplinary focus spans geodesy, geodynamics, geomagnetism, heat flow, mineral physics, potential fields, seismology, rock mechanics and deformation. Within these fields, the program encourages a wide range of laboratory, field, theoretical, and/or computational studies, and encourages new methods, approaches and innovative research directions. Research questions the program addresses include but are not limited to 1) understanding geohazards, such as the fundamental geophysical processes underpinning earthquakes, volcanoes and mass flows; 2) crustal and lithospheric structure and dynamics including faulting, subduction, rifting and mountain-building processes; 3) mantle composition, structure, dynamics and evolution; 4) core structure and dynamics, geodynamo, and core-mantle interactions; 5) global and planetary-scale processes, early Earth formation and evolution, isostatic adjustment, and the magnetic field.
Standard Grant or Continuing Grant
Anticipated Funding Amount:
Letter of Intent:
Not required
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
Proposals Accepted Anytime
Eva Zanzerkia, Program Director, E 8471, telephone: (703) 292-4734, email:
Robin Reichlin, Program Director, E 8477, telephone: (703) 292-8556, email: