NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Information Innovation Office (I2O) Office-wide
Funding Agency:
- Department of Defense
The Information Innovation Office (I2O) creates groundbreaking science and develops
transformational capabilities in the informational and computational spheres to surprise
adversaries and maintain enduring advantage for national security. I2O programs address
elements of four key thrust areas:
Proficient artificial intelligence (AI): seeks to (1) advance the state of the art of
AI, (2) apply state-of-the-art AI to create new capabilities for national security, and
(3) develop techniques to mitigate the threats posed by state-of-the-art AI systems.
The predominate research challenge on the path to proficient AI is defining and
creating trustworthy AI systems, including in the face of attacks by skilled, highresource
adversaries. In these efforts, I2O will leverage the AI Forward initiative to
explore new directions for AI research that will result in safe, secure, and
trustworthy systems for national security missions.
Resilient, adaptable, and secure systems: aims to dramatically enhance the
security and resilience of both new and legacy software, with a focus on practical
and scalable approaches. The portfolio emphasizes formal methods development
while leveraging AI and machine learning. Techniques and tools are provided to
both the broad community (for example, as open-source software), the defense
industrial base, and the DOD.
Advantage in cyber operations: leverages and advances state-of-the-art AI and
secure resilient system technologies to produce trustworthy cyber tools and
capabilities that operate beyond the capacity or speed of humans. Efforts in this
thrust anticipate adversary counter-measures to create enduring capabilities.
Confidence in the information domain: focuses on protecting, detecting attacks
on, and measuring the health of the information domain, broadly construed. This
domain spans the cognitive level of beliefs and attitudes; the knowledge level of
scientific discourse, the financial system, supply chains, etc.; the tracking level,
which records the digital dust we leave behind when interacting with the myriad
digital devices required by modern life; and finally, the transport level, which
delivers electronic messages in many forms and with various gradations of
I2O may also consider submissions outside these thrust areas if the proposal involves the
development of novel capabilities having a promise to provide decisive information advantage
for the United States and its allies. I2O seeks unconventional computational approaches that are
outside the mainstream, challenge accepted assumptions, and have the potential to radically
change established practices and the state of the art. Proposed research should investigate
innovative approaches that enable revolutionary advances in software science, technology, or
systems. Specifically excluded is research that primarily results in evolutionary improvements
to the existing state of the art.
October 29, 2024 , 12:00 PM
The BAA Coordinator for this effort can be reached at:
Email: HR001124S0003@darpa.mil