The Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities (IATDH) program supports national or regional (multistate) training programs for scholars, humanities professionals, and advanced graduate students to broaden and extend their knowledge of digital humanities. Through this program, NEH seeks to increase the number of humanities scholars and practitioners using digital technology in their research and to broadly disseminate knowledge about advanced technology tools and methodologies relevant to the humanities.
This program aims to bring together humanities scholars, advanced graduate students, librarians, archivists, museum staff, computer scientists, information specialists, and others to learn about new tools, approaches, and technologies, and to foster relationships for future collaborations in the humanities. NEH encourages you to develop proposals for multidisciplinary teams that include the necessary range of intellectual, technical, and practical expertise. You may draw partners and collaborators from the private and public sectors and may include appropriate specialists from within and outside the United States. You should consider not only the practical applications of the institute topic, but also address ethical implications of its subject for humanities research, teaching, or public programming.
There is wide latitude in the form and content of institutes. They may focus on a particular computational method, such as network or spatial analysis, or target the needs of a particular humanities discipline or audience. You could offer it only once or multiple times to different audiences or cohorts. They may be as short as a few days or as long as six weeks. You may host it at a single site, multiples sites, or virtually, but the format and duration should allow for full and thorough treatment of the topic and be appropriate for the intended audience and all participants must be engaged in the same format simultaneously unless modifications are needed for accessibility accommodations.
A webinar will be held on December 1, 2022, from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Eastern time. There will be an opportunity for participants to ask questions at the end of the webinar.