Internet Measurement Research: Methodologies, Tools, and Infrastructure Webinar
With this solicitation, the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE), in partnership with the Directorate of Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS), is launching a new, focused program to support methodologies, tools, and research infrastructure for Internet measurement spanning access (both wireless and fixed broadband) and core Internet. Currently, Internet measurement is conducted in a piecemeal and uncoordinated manner, and the infrastructure to collect, share, and process the data does not include data on all aspects of the network covering both wireless and wired Internet. The scope, complexity, and means of accessing the Internet have changed dramatically throughout its existence. Internet measurement work has mostly focused on the wired core networks for which existing Internet measurement repositories/infrastructure provides yeomen service. Methods, data collection, and data sharing have not kept up with the importance and proliferation of wireless and fixed broadband access networks. This leaves important aspects of the access network (both wireless and fixed broadband) in many geographic regions unmeasured or under-measured. With citizens now using cellular phones for accessing the Internet, more accurate and/or additional ways to measure and assess performance, connectivity, network topology, and service gap have also become necessary. The goal of the IMR program is to encourage, coordinate, and connect research in Internet measurement in a comprehensive manner. Such research is essential and timely to assess the health of the Internet more comprehensively, improve network technologies and systems, and develop new methods of networking, especially with the development of new methodologies and tools.