Grading and Attendance Policies
General Lab Grading Policy
- Attendance required for all experiments - unexcused means a 0 (zero) - if a student misses 3 experiments the student is likely to fail the course.
- Submission of a laboratory report is due the following week class begins - the penalty for lateness is 10% per day.
- The grading guidelines are as follows (see the lab report grading rubric):
- Attendance (20%); Participation (20%); Laboratory Report (60%)
- Laboratory Report Grading (points):
- Style instructed by a lab instructor(10)
- Title (5)
- Introduction including Objectives and Theoretical background (10)
- Experimental Procedure (10)
- Results: Experimental Data (15) and Calculation (15)
- Discussion and Analysis of Results (20)
- Conclusions (10)
- Raw Data Sheet signed by a lab instructor(5)
- Topics for discussion section may include:
- % Error - what it means.
- What caused the error and why
- How could the experiment have been done better and why
- Would you expect to do better
- What human errors were involved
- What did you learn from the experiment, etc.
- Instructors will give students meaningful comments in lab reports when they grade lab report so that the students will understand why they receive the grade indicated.
Lab Course Attendance Policy
- The attendance policy is very strict in a physics lab course.
- It is required for a student to attend all labs since lab grading is based on attendance, participation, and lab report.
- It is a student's responsibility to confirm his/her attendance with a lab instructor in every class.
- It is required for a student to sign an attendance sheet in each class. If a student fails to sign it, it is considered to be absent.
- If a student does not appeal and resolve any attendance issue with a lab instructor within 7 days from the date of the issued class, no further action will be accepted.