NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Long Range Broad Agency Announcement for Navy and Marine Corps Science and Technology
Funding Agency:
- Department of Defense
ONR, ONRG, and MCWL are interested in receiving proposals for Long-Range S&T Projects that offer potential for advancement and improvement of Navy and Marine Corps operations. Readers should note that this is an announcement to declare ONR, ONRG and MCWLs broad role in competitive funding of meritorious research across a spectrum of science and engineering disciplines.
ONR: Technology areas that ONR is pursuing are provided at the ONR website at https://www.onr.navy.mil/our-research/technology-areas. Click on the technology area of interest for a brief description of that research area being pursued by ONR. Potential offerors are urged to check the above website throughout the year for updates to technology areas. Prior to preparing proposals, potential offerors are strongly encouraged to contact the ONR point of contact (POC) identified for each technology area. The POC for each technology area will be listed at the bottom of each technology area page.
ONRG: ONRG serves as an external network facilitator for ONR headquarters and the Naval Research Enterprise by ensuring connections are maintained with the international science and technology community, the Naval Fleet/Forces, and our international partners by deploying over 20 Science Directors in field offices around the world to liaise with scientist in their home countries. ONRG facilitates fundamental research efforts in the ONR technology areas indicated on the ONR website noted above, to address the needs of the Navy and Marine Corps and foster international partnerships with leading researchers around the world. ONRG supports fundamental research seed grants, conferences, and workshops that foster collaboration between the U.S. Navy, and international scientists and technologists. To discuss your ideas for an international grant proposal, please contact a Science Director specializing in your field or located in your region by navigating to the ONRG website at https://www.onr.navy.mil/en/Science-Technology/ONR-Global. ONRG does not fund U.S. institutions or foreign Government entities.
MCWL: The MCWL utilizes concept-based experimentation as a primary means to explore both material and non-material solutions enabling warfighting concepts. The concept-based experimentation process provides the unique opportunity to assess the utility of experimental technologies employed in operational scenarios and environments. MCWL leverages ONRs S&T efforts to inform and support the concept-based experimentation process. Technology initiatives that MCWL is pursuing are provided at the MCWL website at https://www.mcwl.marines.mil/Divisions/Science-and-Technology/Future-TechnologyOffice/TechnologyInitiativeScreeningOfficer/. Potential offerors are urged to check the above website throughout the year for updates to technology initiates.
Full Proposals will be accepted until September 30, 2022 11:59 PM local Eastern time
Questions of a Technical nature related to Marine Corps Warfare Lab (MCWL) topics: Contact the MCWL Future Technology Officer at john.e.moore4@usmc.mil.
Questions of a Technical nature related to the Office of Naval Research Global topics: Contact the ONR Global Grants Team at ONRG.GrantProposals@mail.mil