The Mathematical Biology Program supports research in areas of applied and computational mathematics with relevance to the biological sciences. Successful proposals must demonstrate mathematical innovation, biological relevance and significance, and strong integration between mathematics and biology.
Some projects of interest to the Mathematical Biology Program may include development of mathematical concepts and tools traditionally seen in other disciplinary programs within the Division of Mathematical Sciences, e.g., topology, probability, statistics, computational mathematics, etc. In general, if a proposal is appropriate for review by more than one NSF program, it is advisable to contact the program officers handling each program to determine when and where the proposal should be submitted and to facilitate the review process.
The Mathematical Biology Program regularly seeks joint reviews of proposals with programs in the Directorates of Biological Sciences and Engineering. Investigators are encouraged to discuss their project with program officers in relevant areas to determine if it should be considered by more than one program.
Standard Grant or Continuing Grant
Letter of Intent:
Not required
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
Full proposal accepted anytime
Zhilan J. Feng, Program Director (703) 292-7523 MPS/DMS
Amina Eladdadi, Program Director (703) 292-8128 MPS/DMS