Spring Event
NJIT-NAI Events & Announcements
NAI-NJIT Chapter Workshop
Sustainable Societies: Global Healthcare
Innovations to Global Solutions
In Conjunction with
President’s Forum
NJIT 2022 Research Institutes, Centers and Laboratory Showcase
February 21, 2022; 9.00 AM – 2.00 PM
Ballroom A/B and Gallery, Campus Center, NJIT
Watch recording at https://youtu.be/kgycdcYGGWQ
Abstract: As the world continues to evolve with increasing population and life expectancy along with urbanization and socio-economic inequalities, the global community is now facing a critical grand challenge of quality healthcare at affordable cost. According to the data published by World Health Organization (WHO), top global causes of death, in order of total number of lives lost but not including pandemic outbreaks, are associated with three broad topics: cardiovascular (ischemic heart disease, stroke), respiratory (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lower respiratory infections) and neonatal conditions.
Though the recent technological and pharmaceutical advances in healthcare have enabled tremendous improvements in diagnosis, treatment and therapeutic intervention of critical diseases, healthcare remains one of the most critical challenges in communicable and non-communicable diseases due to barriers to accessibility and continuously rising costs directly impacting the sustainability of the global society, specifically in under-resourced as well as elderly communities in both developing and developed countries.
The Point-of-Care (POC) technologies have a potential to provide global healthcare at affordable costs towards personalized, preventive and precision medicine. The potential benefits of POC technologies in providing sustainable healthcare solutions for managing communicable as well as non-communicable diseases globally are becoming increasingly evident. The POC innovations and technologies can provide essential tools in delivering effective healthcare in public health emergencies, disaster situations, and under-resourced environments.
The workshop will provide an open forum to discuss innovative global solutions to address the healthcare grand challenge through preventive, personalized and precision medicine exploring the potential contributions of Point-of-Care technologies for communicable as well as non-communicable diseases. The workshop will feature keynote talks and panel discussions by leaders from all stakeholder groups representing academic, industry, healthcare, and regulatory sectors to discuss potential pathways and collaborative synergies towards sustainable societies with affordable quality healthcare.
Panel-1 will focus on challenges associated with global healthcare for public health emergencies such as COVID-19 pandemic as well as critical non-communicable diseases. Lessons learned from the recent NIH’s successful RADx initiative in developing and accelerating the use of POC testing technologies for timely intervention and clinical management of COVID-19 pandemic will be discussed. The panel will also explore how challenges the US encounters managing patients across systems, spending limited resources effectively, and setting and meeting regulatory requirements become even more complex in global healthcare. Panel-2 will focus on technology innovation, translation, and scalability of innovative solutions to diverse environments and societies, each with unique care delivery models and opportunities. In addition, select research and development technologies in critical global healthcare applications will be explored.
Program Agenda and Speaker Information
Program Booklet