In this BAA, NOPP participants have identified two ocean research topics of mutual and emerging interest. Selected projects will be awarded and funded by individual agencies. All successful offerors will be notified, and the NOPP office will provide the 2022 NOPP project announcement on its website. Up to $23 million over three (3) years may be available for awards under this solicitation, subject to appropriation, availability of funds, and final approval by the participating NOPP agencies. NOPP funding will be dependent on individual participating agency policies, procedures, and regulations. There will be no classified work funded under this announcement.
National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) FY2022 Broad Agency Announcement:
Global Multi-agency Experiment on Internal Wave Energy, Mixing and Interactions in the Ocean and Their Representation in Global Ocean Models and Operational Forecasts.
High Resolution Ocean Models for Coupled Earth System Prediction Across Space and Time Scales