NJIT Research Continuity Plan Update - March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020
NJIT is taking new measures to minimize the spread and protect the health and safety of our community during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Beginning March 18 and until further notice, access to all on-campus research facilities will be limited to essential personnel necessary to maintain the long-term viability of the laboratory, equipment and other applicable resources (such as animals). All directors of research labs, centers and facilities should immediately prepare to discontinue all non-essential on-campus research activities by March 18.
Directors of research facilities must submit an Essential Research Operation (ERO) plan (in the format posted on the research website). All EROs must be submitted to the appropriate department chair and college dean for approval by March 18. Deans should forward all approved EROs to the senior vice provost for research by email.
EROs must include the strongest social distancing protocols for all essential personnel in on-campus facilities at all times. Non-essential research activities must halt on-campus activity, but may continue remotely if possible.
The Office of Research will continue to operate with full functionality to the extent possible following the research continuity plan posted on the NJIT website.