NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Organismal Systems and Infection Biology (OSIB)
Funding Agency:
- National Science Foundation
Infection and infection-like processes are ubiquitous in the natural world. Infectious agents have traditionally included bacteria, viruses, fungi, and prions. However, the study of diverse infective agents, such as mobile genetic elements, parasitoids, and specialized insect herbivores and their hosts, may have important features in common with these traditional agents. Further, the mechanisms of infection that result in non-pathogenic outcomes, including interactions that could be neutral or beneficial, and the co-evolutionary dynamics of the host and other organisms that maintain these relationships over long-standing interactions share important commonalities with disease processes. The goal of this announcement is to call for new, integrative approaches to understanding the spatial and temporal dynamics and the nature of host-infectious agent interactions in different contexts (e.g., across developmental, endocrine, physiological, social, or environmental contexts), across different scales (e.g., subcellular to organismal, ancient to present-day scales), with alternative outcomes (mutualistic, parasitic, pathogenic, etc.), and in non-model (or under-studied) systems.
Coupled with the need to broaden the definition of infection biology is an equally important need to understand the diversity of immunity in non-traditional organisms and the myriad of factors that shape how organisms respond to infections. Scale, environment, host and parental history, host genomes, microbiomes, and previous infections all critically influence how the immune system functions and the organismal outcomes to infection – i.e., the infection phenotypes. Like infection biology, immunity has traditionally been most closely studied in a restricted set of species and conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic makes clear that we have a pressing need to understand infection biology more generally. Additionally, we are at a point in time at which technology allows us to broaden organismal studies of infection dramatically and to gain a better understanding of symbiotic relationships and of parasitic infections in diverse organisms and contexts. Results stemming from these research areas will provide new insights into the mechanisms that determine the spatial and temporal dynamics of infectious processes and organismal immunity and, ultimately, will improve our ability to predict and control infection to the benefit of human societies and natural environments.
Description of the Opportunity
With this Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) the Division of Integrative and Organismal Systems (IOS) is calling for proposals that build on our ongoing programs to move forward our understanding of infection processes in natural systems. All study systems are appropriate, except those that focus solely on human diseases. Proposals that focus on building a mechanistic understanding are encouraged. Comparative approaches to the study of immune systems, in a phylogenetic context, are also encouraged; these studies are expected to discover conserved and convergent immune responses or cell types. Proposals that focus on interactions between immune responses and other physiological, developmental, neural and behavioral phenotypes are well suited to this call. Below are some examples; they are not intended to constitute a comprehensive list.
See Dear Colleague Letter website for details.
General questions concerning this opportunity should be directed to Joanna Shisler at jshisler@nsf.gov.