NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Research NewsletterIssue: ORN-2021-37
NJIT Research Newsletter includes recent awards, and announcements of research related seminars, webinars, national and federal research news related to research funding, and Grant Opportunity Alerts (with links to sections). The Newsletter is posted on the NJIT Research Website https://research.njit.edu/funding-opportunities.
- Special Announcements
- Recent Research Grant and Contract Awards
- In the News
- Webinars and Events
- Research Grant Opportunities
- Streamlyne Question of the Week
Call for Proposals
Undergraduate Research and Innovation (URI)
Student Seed Grants Program: Fall 2021
Full Fall 2021 URI Student Seed Grants Call for Proposals Announcement
URI Phase-1 Student Seed Grants: $500 per project
URI Phase-2 Student Seed Grants: $3,000 per project
URI Student Seed Grant Program Tracks:
Track-1 Technology/Product Development and Innovation
Track-2: Application Based Research
URI Student Seed Grant Proposer Day Workshop
NJIT Chapter of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI) Meeting
NAI Student Inventor Club Meeting
September 21, 2021; 11.30 AM to 1.30 PM; Atrium, Student Campus Center
(Light lunch will be served)
Faculty Advisors and NJIT-NAI Chapter Members are cordially invited.
11.30 AM – 12.30 PM: URI Student Seed Grant Information Session on Proposal Writing, Review Criterion and Submission Hosted by URI External Advisory Board Members
12.30 PM – 1.30 PM: Lunch and NAI-NJIT Chapter Meeting
1.30 PM – 2.30 PM: NAI-NJIT Chapter Advisory Board Meeting
NJ ACTS First Annual Scientific Symposium
September 22, 2021; 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
To register, follow the link: https://redcap.link/u5e4bgcu
NJ ACTS First Annual Scientific Symposium-Translational Medicine and Science. The Symposium is open to all interested faculty, postdocs, students and others at Rutgers, Princeton and NJIT.
The two-day conference will feature sessions on four hot topics:
- Inclusion, Diversity ad Equity in AI and Machine Learning
- Social and Environmental Determinants of Health in the Urban Setting
- Clinical Trial Science after a Pandemic
- Biomarker Exploration in the Heterogeneity of Disease
Each session will include a keynote by an internationally recognized researcher and two presentations from within the NJ ACTS community. Additional NJ ACTS research will be presented at the poster session. There will be additional opportunities for networking, and for learning about the NJ ACTS cores and the resources and services they can provide.
Nominations for the National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee: The Commerce Department is actively recruiting candidates to serve on the government’s newly-formed National Artificial Intelligence Advisory Committee, or NAIAC—where they’ll inform President Joe Biden and agencies on issues raised by the emerging technology. At least nine members will serve up to two consecutive three-year terms on the committee, according to a recently released call for nominations. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is charged with providing administrative support to the high-level group. More information is posted on the NextGov website.
House Homeland Security Committee Approves $865 Million for CISA: The House Homeland Security Committee Tuesday approved an additional $865 million in funding for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. The committee voted along party lines to approve an amendment put forth by Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., to the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. Should the bill pass the House and Senate, CISA would receive a funding influx across numerous programs after numerous high-profile cyberattacks on U.S. critical infrastructure and federal agencies.
The largest chunk of money—$400 million—would be obligated to help CISA meet President Joe Biden’s May executive order on improving the nation’s cybersecurity. In particular, funds would be dispersed for “the implementation of multi-factor authentication, endpoint detection and response, improved logging, and securing cloud systems.” CISA would also receive $50 million to support the Multi-State Information Sharing and Analysis Center and $25 million for the “execution of a national multi-factor authentication campaign.” Another $100 million would be obligated for cybersecurity workforce development and education, including providing education, training, and capacity development and to the Cybersecurity Education and Training Program.
House Reconciliation Markups Begin: This week, the House returned from its August recess to begin to undertake committee markups of the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, formally titled the “Build Back Better Act.” The committees which held markups are Agriculture, Education & Labor, Natural Resources, Oversight, Science, Space, & Technology, Small Business, and Ways & Means. Below, you’ll find the committee documents on the bills:
- Agriculture
- Education & Labor
- Natural Resources
- Oversight
- Science, Space, & Technology
- Small Business
- Ways & Means
Next week, the Energy & Commerce, Financial Services, Transportation & Infrastructure, and Veterans’ Affairs committees will hold markups as well. Below, you’ll find the committee documents on the bills where available:
- National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation
- National Science Foundation
Question: How can I update my eRA Commons ID for all future NIH proposals?
Answer: Go to Main Menu>Setting>Person Extended Attributes, click "Edit", enter it under "eRA Commons User Name" and submit the change/update.
More FAQs on Streamlyne: Please visit https://research.njit.edu/streamlyne
The NJIT Proposal Submission Guidelines and Policy provides the expected institutional timeline for proposal submission. Streamlyne User Manuals are posted on https://research.njit.edu/streamlyne. For contact information on proposal submission, pre-award services and post-award grant management, please visit research website https://research.njit.edu/researchers and https://research.njit.edu/contact.