ROSES 2022: Fundamental Physics
Funding Agency:
In the primary focus of the current program, quantum phenomena with ultracold atoms, the near absence of gravity allows atom clouds to be positioned with minimal applied forces, allowing (in principle) for colder atoms, larger atomic de Broglie wavelengths, and potentially stronger, cleaner, and more scientifically interesting interactions than is possible using equivalent Earth-based atom traps. Space-based experiments also offer the possibility of longer observation times than is possible on Earth, a huge advantage in experiments involving atom interferometry, where experimental accuracy scales with the square of the observation time. The Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) aboard the International Space Station (ISS) currently supports an active research program in ultracold atomic matter. NASA is working closely with the German Space Agency, DLR, to develop a follow-on instrument expected to be available in 2026-27. This program element of SMD’s ROSES-2022 solicitation, seeks proposals for flight experiments to be performed using the CAL facility beginning as soon as late 2024, and proposals for ground-based research, both theory and experiment, to identify and develop the foundation for future space-based experiments. All proposers are encouraged to read the ROSES-2022 Summary of Solicitation, to learn the default guidelines. The default content and format of proposals are described in Section IV(b) and Table 1 of ROSES-2022. Some of these defaults are modified in the sections below. In the cases of any conflicts, this program element takes precedence, followed by the ROSES-2022 Summary of Solicitation, and last the 2022 NASA Guidebook for Proposers. Statutes and regulations always apply and take precedence over any solicitation or guidance.
FP22 Step-1 Proposals Due Jul 19, 2022
Brad Carpenter, Biological and Physical Sciences Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters, Washington, DC 20546-0001, Email: and