The Heliophysics Tools and Methods (HTM) program encompasses the Python software tools and method needs throughout Heliophysics, including Solar, Heliospheric, Magnetosphere, and Ionosphere/Thermosphere/Mesosphere (ITM). As part of a mission-oriented agency, the Tools and Methods program preferentially seeks to fund those efforts that directly impact NASA Heliophysics missions or interpretation of mission data. Projects involving data from other U.S. agencies or institutions that are judged to be highly beneficial to NASA Heliophysics (HP) research are included in the scope for this program, if not available in a suitable form from their host’s institution. The specific context of this call is provided by information on the Heliophysics Data page at HTM is a component of the Heliophysics Research Program and proposers interested in this program element are encouraged to see the overview of the Heliophysics Research Program in B.1 the Heliophysics Research Program Overview for Heliophysics-specific requirements. Common default requirements for all ROSES proposals are found in the ROSES Summary of Solicitation and the Proposer’s Guidebook but those may be superseded by instructions in a program element like this one. The order of precedence is the following: ROSES Element B.20 (this document) takes precedence followed by B.1, followed by the ROSES Summary of Solicitation, and finally the Proposer’s Guidebook. Proposers should be familiar with all these resources.