ROSES 2022: Living with a Star Science
Funding Agency:
The Living With a Star (LWS) Program emphasizes the science necessary to understand those aspects of the Sun and Earth's space environment that affect life and society. The ultimate goal of the LWS Program is to provide a scientific understanding of the system that leads to predictive capability of the space environment conditions at Earth, other planetary systems, and in the interplanetary medium. Every year the LWS Program solicits Focused Science Topics (FSTs) that address some part of this goal. This year’s FSTs are described in Sections 1.1 and 2 - 3 below. This goal poses two great challenges for the LWS program. First, the program seeks to address large-scale problems that cross discipline and technique boundaries (e.g., data analysis, theory, modeling, etc.); and second, the program will identify how this new understanding has a direct impact on life and society. Over time, the FSTs have provided advances in scientific understanding that address these challenges.
Step-1 proposals Deadline: September 8, 2022
Step-2 proposals are due November 10, 2022
John McCormack, Telephone: (202) 422-2796, Email: