ROSES 2023: A.14 Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction
Funding Agency:
NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) supports a broad portfolio of research in the Earth Science Research Program. Key questions that drive the core research efforts of the Earth Science Division within SMD include: · How is the Earth system changing? · What are the sources of change in the Earth system and their magnitudes and trends? · How will the Earth system change in the future? · How can Earth system science improve mitigation of and adaptation to global change? Within Earth Science Research, the Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction (MAP) program seeks to develop an understanding of the Earth as a complete, dynamic system. To accomplish this objective, the program funds the development of comprehensive, physically-based models of the Earth system, observation/model syntheses (analyses and reanalyses), and supporting research. The modeling and data assimilation supported by the MAP program is observationdriven. That is, the direction of the modeling/assimilation work is guided by available and anticipated observations and its goal is to extract from the observations as much value as possible. This involves rigorous examination and utilization of observations and modeling in a comprehensive Earth system context. The modeling integrates across all the research activities in NASA’s Earth science research program and spans and connects the spatial and temporal scales that characterize satellite observations and observations from ground and air-based campaigns. This approach facilitates both the validation of observations and observationally-based improvements of Earth system model components, leading to models that accurately represent the Earth system with diagnostic and predictive skill. The data assimilation is focused on developing and utilizing model/data synthesis techniques to optimally characterize the state of the Earth system through time, allowing expanded scientific analysis and improved initialization of predictive models. MAP strives to generate modeling and analysis systems that are well documented, thoroughly evaluated, interoperable, robust, and consistent with current coding standards and practices. An overview of the current program may be found at
Multiple awards
Step-1 Proposals due on April 28, 2023
David B. Considine Earth Science Division Science Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters Washington, DC 20546-0001 Telephone: 202-358-2277 Email: