: One of the key focus areas of the 2022 NASA Equity Action Plan is to “enhance grants and cooperative agreements to advance opportunities, access, and representation for underserved communities.” To this end, NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) has established the Research Initiation Awards (RIA) program, which has two principal programmatic objectives: 1) Enable investigators at institutions underrepresented in the SMD ecosystem to initiate activities that, over the course of a two-year period, will provide the foundation for a competitive, sustainable, and productive program of research. 2) Enable undergraduate students affiliated with the proposing investigator to perform cutting-edge research in an SMD-relevant field. RIA aims to broaden the base of investigators involved in the SMD ecosystem and therefore carries two key eligibility requirements. First, the proposing institution may not be a “Doctoral University with Very High Research Activity” (i.e., an R1 institution) according to the Carnegie Classification guide. Second, the PI may not have received federal funding as PI of a project that is related to the proposed research activities within the last five years (with exceptions described in Section 3.2). Funding for undergraduate students is a required element of the proposed project. RIA awardees may in the future propose for an additional two-year RIA award for a total of four years of support; however, RIA is not intended to be a form of long-term support for investigators. SMD acknowledges that institutional teaching and service commitments at non-R1 institutions may be high, and therefore encourages proposers to include requests for funding for teaching buy-outs (to include sabbaticals) and/or summer salary, as appropriate and admissible by the proposing institution.
An RIA award, including indirect costs, must not exceed $300,000 for a duration of 24 months, and the funding may be split in uneven amounts for each of the two years.
Letter of Intent:
RIA23 NOIs Due: May 18, 2023
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
RIA23 Anonymous Proposals Due: July 18, 2023
Maggie Yancey Science Mission Directorate NASA Headquarters Washington, DC 20546-0001 Email: hq-smd-ria@mail.nasa.gov