The overall goals for NASA's Earth Science program are documented in the NASA Science Mission Directorate 2020-2024 Science Plan and the recently released Earth Science to Action Strategy. NASA Earth Science research focuses on using spacebased observations to safeguard and improve life on Earth, often supplemented with other types of observations (e.g., aircraft and/or surface-based measurements) and then combined and synthesized in models. Carbon Cycle Science research is supported by many research and applied science programs at NASA, including, but not limited to, NASA’s Carbon Cycle and Ecosystem (CCE) Focus Area and the individual research and analysis programs that support it; significant investments are also made by many of the CCE-related satellite programs, which have separate competed science teams for data exploitation. The NASA Earth Science Program goals for Carbon Cycle Science are to improve understanding of the global carbon cycle and how it may be changing with our changing climate. Carbon Cycle Science research contributes to quantifying changes and constraining atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations, as well as terrestrial and aquatic carbon fluxes and storage in response to fossil fuel combustion, land use and land cover change, and other human activities and natural events. NASA carbon cycle research encompasses multiple temporal and spatial scales and addresses atmospheric, terrestrial, and aquatic carbon stocks and fluxes, their coupling within the global carbon cycle, and interactions with climate and other aspects of the Earth system. Observations from space provide a platform for NASA carbon cycle research; they contribute towards priorities identified by the USGCRP 2022-2031 Strategic Plan, and complement activities from national and international programs including the Carbon Cycle Science program’s U.S. North American Carbon Program (NACP) and the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) program. NASA carbon cycle research also contributes toward actions identified in the Ocean Policy Committee (OPC) Ocean Climate Action Plan (OCAP), the U.S. National Strategy for a Sustainable Ocean Economy, and the National Strategy to Advance an Integrated U.S. Greenhouse Gas Measurement, Monitoring, and Information System (GHGMMIS).
$1.5 M/year to $3.5 M/year
Letter of Intent:
CARBON24 NOIs Due: Oct 17, 2024
Full Proposal Submission Deadline:
February 3, 2025
Laura Lorenzoni, Program Manager Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program Telephone: (202) 329-4052 Email:
Ryan Pavlick, Program Manager Terrestrial Ecology Program Telephone: (771) 221-0914 Email: