NJIT Implementation of Recent Executive Orders
Science & Technology for Advanced Manufacturing Projects (STAMP)
Funding Agency:
- Department of Defense
The Department of Defense Manufacturing Technology Program (ManTech) is the Defense Department’s investment mechanism for staying at the forefront of defense-essential manufacturing capability. The Program develops technologies and processes for the affordable and timely production and sustainment of defense systems. The Program impacts all phases of acquisition. It aids in achieving reduced acquisition and total ownership costs by developing, maturing, and transitioning key manufacturing technologies. ONR will focus investments on those that have the most benefit to the warfighter and include quick-hitting, rapid response projects to address immediate manufacturing needs.
The ManTech Program targets the needs of our warfighters and weapon system programs by helping to find and implement affordable low-risk solutions. The ManTech Program: · Provides the crucial link between technology invention and development and industrial applications; · Matures and validates emerging manufacturing technologies to support low-risk implementation in industry and DoD facilities, for example depots and shipyards; · Addresses production issues from system development through transition to production and sustainment; · Disseminates information concerning improved manufacturing improvement concepts, including information on such matters as best manufacturing practices, product data exchange specifications, computer-aided acquisition and logistics support, and rapid acquisition of manufactured parts; and * Sustains and enhances the skills and capabilities of the manufacturing work force.
Using the authority of the Manufacturing Technology Program codified at 10 U.S.C. §2521, the Department of Defense (DoD) established a group of manufacturing innovation institutes in technology areas with relevance to military systems. These institutes are executed and managed by the services (Army, Air Force, and Navy). Each institute consists of members, including private companies, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, federal laboratories, and state and local governments. These DoD-managed institutes are also involved in the Department of Commerce Manufacturing USA network as part of a longterm collaborative partnership-of- choice in light of a common purpose. The overall goal of this effort is to continue to support Manufacturing Technology projects that offer potential for advancement and improvement of military operations in areas that address the focus areas of the ManTech Program, as noted in the above paragraphs, and the Manufacturing Innovation Institutes (MIIs), as described in Appendix 3.
The long-term goals of this BAA are to create market expansion; and components and systems utilizing new optimized high performing material systems across defense, aerospace, automotive, energy, and consumer products industries. The focus of this BAA is primarily on projects that continue to advance the systems engineering approach needed for the design, fabrication, and manufacture of structural components to address challenges in system weight, performance, affordability, and/or survivability. The foundation of this approach should include the integration of materials information, captured in computational tools, with engineering product performance analysis and manufacturing-process simulation termed commonly as Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME). From this foundation it is expected the integration of manufacturing process information and product performance information utilizing the full range of engineering and analytical tools, processes, and principles to improve efficiency and effectiveness of their integrated approach. The intent is to bring together materials designers, materials suppliers, product designers, and manufacturers to collaborate on the design, production, and commercialization of novel affordable, manufacturable systems. Projects may include basic and applied research, technology and component development, and prototyping; but may also focus on manufacturing supply-chain technical support and integration, workforce development, and manufacturing education.
This announcement will remain open until 30 November 2022 or until replaced by a successor BAA, whichever comes first.
Veronica Lacey Grantor Phone 703-696-2593 veronica.lacey@navy.mil