SETO seeks proposals for projects that examine how siting practices, defined as interventions or actions executed during LSS siting by one or more stakeholders, affect outcomes. Outcomes of interest include:
• Community acceptance or opposition
• Permitting and land use decisions, predictability, and timeliness
• Community impacts (including meaningful benefits, burdens, and equity and procedural and distributional justice)
Project teams can leverage multiple social science disciplines, such as anthropology, behavioral sciences, communication, economics, political science, public administration, sociology, and urban planning. While most teams are expected to be led by one or more research organizations, teams may also include community groups, energy industry partners, and/or government partners.
This funding opportunity has a single topic area on the social dynamics of LSS siting processes with three areas of interest. Projects must focus on at least one of the following areas of interest but can focus on multiple areas
Informational Webinar:
12/18/2023, 1:00 p.m. ET
Award Ceiling: $2,500,000
Anticipated Funding Amount:
Letter of Intent:
Please contact the program director.
Preliminary Proposal Due Date(s):
Submission Deadline for Concept Papers: 1/30/2024, 5:00 p.m. ET